From Jose Garriga Jr...

I'm a GBG Presidential Platinum and an experienced Network Marketer, very committed to creating a long-lasting residual income with GBG. For this to happen, I have to work with like-minded people such as yourself (or you wouldn't be reading this) and help you achieve the same thing. In other words, I cannot attain my goal unless I help you attain your goal!

I'm not certain we are a good fit to work together, or if GBG is the right company for you, so you will need to answer a few questions for yourself before you even continue your due diligence...

  • How satisfied are you with your current financial freedom vehicle?
  • Are you tired of broken promises of hyped up offers and false income claims?
  • Have you lost time, energy, and money with businesses that fell apart at the corporate level?
  • If you could change anything about your current opportunity, what would you change (affordability, solidity, long-term viability)?

I completely understand.

I've lost $1000s, and have been broken-hearted after putting in years of effort only to have the company leadership take it into a direction that caused complete attrition of my customer base, instead of evolving to the needs of the marketplace. The company did a few nonos...

  • Completely lost the vision of their mission statement.
  • They introduced new, costlier, shallow and unnecessary products.
  • Instead of reducing monthly qualification, they designed a more expensive package (claiming more $$$ would be earned)!
  • Did not listen to the needs or ideas of their most committed business builders out in the field.

Can you relate to any of those things?

Here are some of the reasons why I am fully committed to the GBG home business opportunity...

  • 16 years old with a proven track record of creating financial freedom for the average person.
  • Killer competitively priced consumable product that is easy to recommend and has a high reorder rate.
  • Affordable monthly qualification (just $39 + shipping) to earn ongoing residual commissions regardless of team size.
  • Income opportunity and promotional website 100% FREE with the one $39 product purchase - no "business kits" to buy!
  • Management team gets paid through the comp plan making the company not profit incentivized. When they get a raise, so do we!
  • 60 day "return empty bottle" money back guarantee, making it a RISK FREE OPPORTUNITY!
One more big reason to make GBG your long-term financial freedom vehicle, is that we have the exclusive online and offline hybrid marketing system PostcardProfitPro. By combining virtually every aspect of online lead generation, prospecting, marketing, organization, conversion, duplication and an EASY TO SEND POSTCARD into one "brilliantly simple" tool, PostcardProfitPro eliminates many dreaded and time consuming prospecting tasks and helps get better results with less overall effort.

This is an optional $19 per month (highly recomended) and allows for an unlimited number of optins to be followed up with automatically. It has been a godsend for the growth of my GBG business. You can activate it at anytime after joining GBG.

Click here to take a tour of PostcardProfitPro!

I hope you see something in this opportunity as I did. All I can communicate to you now is my resolve and commitment to building this business for my family's future. I am here for the long run and when you make the commitment for yourself, I will be here to support you too.

Thank You for the time you've spent learning about the reasons why I love GBG!


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Live Support/Join By Phone:
Tel: 707-809-1111 Sponsor ID# 569772

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Contact me anytime!

Learn More @!

Jose Garriga Jr
GBG Presidential Platinum Distributor
Tel: 202.277.1299